Using LCD Displays with Arduino

Using LCD Displays with Arduino

Liquid Crystal Displays or LCDs are an excellent way to display characters and data in your Arduino projects. They are inexpensive and very easy to use.

In this article you’ll learn how to add LCD displays to your Arduino project, both hardwired and using the I2C bus connection. You will also learn to use a popular LCD Keypad Shield which as a 2-line LCD along with 6 push buttons.

Build a Robot Car with Speed Sensors

Robot Car With Speed Sensors

I’m sure you have seen those inexpensive robot car chassis kits, the ones that come with two 6-volt motors. They are great fun and very useful and they even come with a couple of speed encoder disks (those little black circles full of holes). Problem is, no one tells you how to use them!

Let’s resolve that and build a robot car with speed sensors. Along the way we’ll learn how to use Interrupts, a valuable programming technique.

Using the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Arduino

HC-SR04 Basic Hookup

The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is a staple in robotics projects. This inexpensive device is capable of measuring the distance between itself and the nearest solid object from 2 to 400 centimeters. Exactly what you need to keep your bots from driving into walls!

In this article we’ll look at this sensor in depth, including ways to make it even more accurate by compensating for temperature and humidity. There’s lots of Arduino code to be has as well, so dig in!

Controlling DC Motors with the L298N Dual H-Bridge and an Arduino

L298 Motor Control Module Arduino Potentiometers

Controlling DC Motors is an essential skill for constructing robots and other hobby projects. An easy way to control DC motors is to use an L298N H-Bridge, an inexpensive component that you can buy from several sources.

Fear not if you’ve never heard of the L298N or if you don’t know what an H-Bridge is – in this article I’ll show you everything you need to know to start making things move with an Arduino. We’ll even construct a simple Robot Car that you can pilot using a Joystick.

So let’s get our motors running and learn all about the L298N H-Bridge!