Using Digital Potentiometers to build Unique Projects

Using Digital Potentiometers to build Unique Projects

Digital Potentiometers, or “DigiPots”, are exactly what you think they are – potentiometers whose wiper position is set using a digital signal instead of a mechanical shaft or slider.

Today we will see how to use Digital Potentiometers and we’ll build a couple of projects. We’ll build a remote-controlled audio volume system and a variable power supply whose output voltage can be set with a web-based interface.

Radio Control – Use the Flysky FS-I6X with Arduino & Build an RC Car

RC Remote Controls

Today we will learn how RC Remote controls work, and how we can use them with an Arduino.

After learning two different ways of interfacing with the Flysky receiver, we will build a small robot car.

Our car will have two different modes – Normal & Spin. You’ll have to read the article or watch the video to find out what that means!