Table of Contents1 Introduction – NVIDIA’s Jetson Platform2 Jetson Orin Nano Super Developers Kit2.1 NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano2.2 Jetson Orin Super Power Boost2.2.1 LLM (Large Language Model)2.2.2 VLM (Vision Language Model)2.2.3 ViTs (Vision Transformers)3 JetPack 6.14 Getting Started with the
Using a Real Time Clock with Arduino
Table of Contents1 Introduction2 Real Time Clocks2.1 Unix Time3 DS1307 Real Time Clock3.1 Tiny RTC Board4 Tiny RTC Basic Arduino Hookup4.1 Arduino Hookup4.2 Arduino Libraries4.3 SetTime Sketch4.4 ReadTest Sketch5 Tiny RTC Square Wave Interrupt5.1 Programming the Tiny RTC Square Wave
Building the Elegoo Smart Robot Car Part 1 – Assemble an Arduino-Based Robot Car
The Elegoo Smart Robot Car V3 is an Arduino-based robot car with features like Bluetooth remote, IR remote, line following, and collision avoidance.
In the first of a three-part article I will show you how to assemble and test the Robot Car.
Pixy2 Camera – Object Recognition with Arduino & Raspberry Pi
The Pixy2 is an amazing camera that is capable of object detection, line tracking and barcode reading. All this in a tiny and very affordable little package
In this article I’ll take a look at the Pixy2. I’ll show you how to hook it up to an Arduino and how to train it to recognize objects. You wil see how easy it is to work with this camera to add vision sensing to your next project
A Drone You Can Program – Introducing PlutoX
The PlutoX Aerial Robotics Kit is a DIY quadcopter that you can program and add your own hardware to. This unique device is perfect for experimenters, hobbyists and basically anyone who is interested in developing a project that can fly.
In this article I’ll introduce you to the PlutoX and to the Cygnus IDE, the development environment you’ll use to write code for the drone.
Arduino UV Index Meter – Measuring UV Light
Ultraviolet Light is used in many industrial and medical applications. We also receive a dose of UV light from sunshine, and while a little UV light is good for you excessive exposure can lead to eye and skin damage.
In this article I will explain how to safely work with ultraviolet light and I’ll show you how to build a UV Index Meter that can accurately measure the level of UV and help keep you safe in the sunshine.
So grab your hat and sunscreen and follow along!