Today we will look at not one but five different temperature sensors that you can use with the ASrduino
With different temperature ranges, accuracy and interface methods you’re sure to find one that is perfect for your next project!
Today we will look at not one but five different temperature sensors that you can use with the ASrduino
With different temperature ranges, accuracy and interface methods you’re sure to find one that is perfect for your next project!
Put some color into your life and learn to use two different color sensors with an Arduino!
In this article and video I’ll show you how to calibrate and use the TCS230 and ISL29125 color sensors.
The TB6612FNG is a MOSFET-based dual H-Bridge motor controller that can be used in place of the popular L298N.
This controller is smaller and much more efficient. Best of all, you can use it in L298N designs without changing your code!
Let’s see how to make use of this H-Bridge with an Arduino
Learn how to use Bipolar Junction Transistors and MOSFETs to interface high-current DC loads with an Arduino.
We will cover both BJTs and MOSFETs in this guide to interfacing your Arduino with the outside world.
An Analog Feedback Servo Motor is a servo motor that has a connection to its internal feedback potentiometer. Thi sallows you to measure the precise position of the motor shaft in real-time
Today we will learn how to calibrate and use this motor, we’ll even see how it can be used as an input device to memorize and repeat a sequence of movements.
What do you do when you want to save data in your Arduino project and have it available even after the Arduino is powered down? One excellent way of doing this is by using EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Read-Only Memory.
In this article you will learn how to use both internal and external EEPROM with an Arduino.
In the third installment of our I2C tutorial I will show you how to use I2C to connect a 3.3-volt Raspberry Pi to a 5-volt Arduino Uno.
Theer are actually two ways of doing this, I will explain both methods.
Today we will learn how Hall Effect sensors and switches work. These handy devices are activated using magnets.
After that we will use a couple of Hall Effect switches to control the position of a stepper motor. Using an Arduino, we’ll build both Limit Switches and a Homing Sensor.
In this article we will start using touchscreen displays in our Arduino projects.
We’ll begin by examining how touchscreens work, and what the differences are between Capacitive and Resistive touchscreens are.
Then we’ll look at some example code and then write a simple interface of our own.
In this article I will show you how to control a very large stepper motor using an Arduino and a microstep motor driver module.
We will also examine how to read and interpret stepper motor specifications, and why the “voltage” rating doesn’t really mean anything.