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Today we will see how to use WiFiManager to provide an SSID, password, and other configuration information to an ESP32. Stop hard-coding your WiFi information!



The ESP32 is an amazing microcontroller. It’s inexpensive yet powerful, boasting a 32-bit processor and many models have dual-cores. It has a wealth of I/O ports, several 12-bit A/D converters, a digital to analog converter, and I2C, I2S, SPI, and UART communications. 

It even has touch switch capabilities, and many models have built-in cameras, displays, and/or microphones.

But despite all of those capabilities, the feature that most experimenters cherish in the ESP32 is its built-in WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities.  This opens up a whole world of remote control and internet-enabled applications.

Working with WiFi on the ESP32 is effortless, thanks to the included WiFi Library. But there is a weak point in the system, and that is getting connected to the WiFi network in the first place.

Connecting to WiFi

The normal method of connecting to a WiFi network in an ESP32 sketch is to code your network login parameters (SSID and password) directly in plain text. While this is certainly sufficient when you are just experimenting, it has a number of disadvantages:

  • Your ESP32 can ONLY connect to the network you’ve hard-coded. 
  • Changing WiFi networks requires a code edit and recompilation.
  • You need to edit that data out of your code if you share or distribute it.
  • You can’t create a commercial product using hard-coded WiFi parameters.

A preferable method would be to use a system that lets you configure your WiFi credentials after the code has been compiled and loaded onto your ESP32. This type of system is known as “WiFi Provisioning”.

WiFi Provisioning

What exactly is “WiFi Provisioning”?

Provisioning is the process of preparing and equipping a network to allow it to provide new services.  When we are dealing with WiFi it involves providing some credentials to connect to a network and obtain an IP address.

Connecting to a WiFi network requires two pieces of information:

  • The Network SSID – SSID stands for Service Set Identifier and is your network’s name.
  • The Network Password – Used for a secured WiFi network, which most are (and I hope yours is).

One method of provisioning a WiFi network is to use a keypad and display to enter these credentials. If your project already has these pieces of hardware, then this is a feasible option.

But many of our ESP32 projects, in fact, most of them, don’t have a keyboard or display. And it wouldn’t really be cost-effective to add them just to connect to the WiFi network.

What we need is a method of doing this without any additional hardware. And we can look at the world of commercial devices to get some great examples.

IoT Devices and Computer Peripherals

Commercial IoT devices come in all shapes and sizes, from cameras and displays to temperature sensors and light bulbs. And they all require a connection to a WiFi network to function.

Obviously, putting a control panel on each of these devices to allow WiFi setup would be impossible, imagine how you’d accomplish this with a light bulb!

Then we have computer peripherals, specifically printers, and scanners. While many of these devices do have displays, they usually have a limited, if any, input device. It wouldn’t be that easy to enter your WiFi credentials on a device with only four buttons on its keypad, especially if you use a secure password with a mix of numeric, alphabetical, and punctuation characters. 

These devices employ a few different methods to achieve WiFi connectivity.

Provisioning Methods

There are several ways we can accomplish WiFi Provisioning. We are going to look at three of them today:

  • SmartConfig – A method developed by Texas Instruments. It requires an app on an Android or IOS device to configure the WiFi credentials.
  • WPS – WiFi Protected Setup, which uses a pushbutton on both the router and target device to achieve pairing and connectivity. Not every router supports WPS.
  • Local Access Point – This sets up the target device initially as a web server at a fixed address. The server displays a configuration page and an external device (computer, tablet, phone) is used to configure it and then set it into WiFi slave mode.

Each of these methods has strengths and weaknesses, and note every one of them is suitable for every application.  

The method we will be using today is the Local Access Point method.

This chart compares the features and requirements of the three provisioning methods:



Local Access Point (or Local AP for short) is an ideal method to use with the ESP32. It allows you to use a phone, tablet, or WiFi-capable computer to set up your ESP32 WiFi credentials, as well as any additional configuration parameters you might require.

WiFiManager is a library that was originally written to perform this task using an ESP8266, and it has now been expanded to work with the ESP32.

WiFiManager works as follows:

1 – The ESP32 Boots up and checks to see if it already has a WiFi network configured.

2 – If it does have WiFi credentials, it uses them to log into a network. Assuming it is successful, then no other action is required, and it can start running its sketch.

3 – If it does not have WiFi credentials, or if they are invalid, it sets itself up as an Access Point instead. An Access Point is where the ESP32 provides its own WiFi network for other devices to connect to.

4 – It creates a webpage at an address of On the webpage, there is a list of available WiFi networks that you can join, plus text boxes for entering your SSID and password.  You can also configure it to have additional text boxes (or other HTML elements) to grab other configuration information you might require.

5 – The user enters the appropriate information and presses the Save button. The information is transmitted back to the ESP32.

6 – The ESP32 changes back to Station mode and attempts to connect to the desired WiFi network using the supplied credentials.

7 – Assuming that the user has supplied the correct login credentials, the ESP32 will now be connected to the WiFi network.

This is not a system unique to WiFiManager, and there are several code samples that would allow you to implement this. The beauty of WiFiManager is that it is all done for you in the library. You don’t need to code any HTML (unless you want to) to make it work. It’s really just a few lines of code.

Basic WiFiManager Tests

The best way to learn about something, of course, is to put it to use. So let’s get WiFiManager installed and start using it!

We will be using the Arduino IDE. I used the classic (version 1.8.xx) IDE, but you can also use the newer Arduino IDE 2.0.

I am going to assume that you have already set up your Arduino IDE to use the ESP32, so I won’t go over that step in this article. If you haven’t done that, then please refer to my article on getting started with the ESP32 for details.

WiFiManager Installation

If you want to install the WiFiManager from the GitHub repository, you can do that, but the easiest way to get it installed is to just use the Arduino IDE Library Manager.

Open your Library Manager and search for “WiFiManager” (all one word). You will get a bunch of results, scroll down to the “W” section and look for “WiFiManager by tzapu”. Click the “Install” button to add the library to your Arduino IDE.

To confirm that the installation was successful, open your Examples menu and scroll down to the section for “Examples from Custom Libraries”. Down near the bottom, you should see a “WiFiManager” selection. Highlight it, and you should see several example folders and files.

WiFiManager Demo

We will be testing out the installation using one of the example files installed when you added the WiFiManager library to your Arduino IDE.

Highlight the WiFiMaager item in the “Examples from Custom Libraries” section and look for the Basic example. Load that into your IDE.

Let’s take a look at the example, as it does a good job of illustrating how the WiFiManager library is used.

We begin by including the WiFiManager library.

The bulk of the sketch is inside the Setup function. We start setup by including the WiFi library, which is required to make WiFiManager work.

Next, we set up our serial monitor, which will be used to monitor the connection progress.

We build an object to represent our WiFiManager, in this sketch it is called “wm”, but you can use anything that makes sense to you.

There is a command a bit further down, on line 15, that calls a resetSetttings() method. By default, it is remarked out. If you run it, resetSettings() will wipe the current network configuration every time the ESP32 is booted up. You don’t want to do this in production mode, but for testing, this is often useful.

We then define a boolean, called “res”, to report the result of our WiFiManager connection attempt. 

Below that, you can see the syntax for launching WiFiManager:

The only required parameter is Autoconnect. The SP name is the name you want to give the local WiFi Access Point that is launched on the ESP32 when WiFiManager is started. If you leave out the password, then the local Access Point network won’t require one.

After that, we look at the results and print them to the serial monitor.

As everything is run in Setup there is no code in the Loop.

Load the demo onto your ESP32 board and open up a WiFi-enabled device such as a phone, tablet, or computer. Look for the “AutoConnectAP” network, and connect to it using a password of “password”.

Make sure you are running your serial monitor, and observe the debug information presented there.

After connecting, open a web browser and go to On many phones and tablets, you will be automatically directed there.


You will see the WiFiManager opening screen.  There are four sections on this screen:

  • Configure WiFi – This is the button that you will want to select to connect your ESP32 to a WiFi network.
  • Info – Some information about the ESP32 board.
  • Exit – Exit the page.
  • Update – OTA update of the ESP32 code.

Select Configure WiFi. There will be a short delay while the available WiFi networks are scanned.  You can watch the progress on the serial monitor.

You will then be presented with a list of WiFi networks. It’s a nice display, with signal strengths and protection status illustrated beside the network name.

Select the network you want to connect to, and its name will automatically populate the SSID text box. Use the other box to enter the network password, then press the Save button.

Watch the serial monitor. Assuming you entered the correct password, you should see the connection results.

The ESP32 will now drop its local AP network and connect to the WiFi network. All without hard-coding any network credentials!

WiFiManager On Demand

By default, WiFManager will only run when the ESP32 has no valid network configuration information. But there may be times when you want to run it on demand, such as when you move your ESP32 to a new location with a new WiFi network, or if you have multiple networks and wish to join another one.

You can use WiFiManager in an “on-demand” configuration. You’ll need to add a pushbutton to your ESP32, and you can then push it to invoke WiFiManager.

The following illustration shows a pushbutton wired between GPIO pin 0 and ground. You can use a different GPIO pin if pin 0 is not available.

The code for running WiFiManager on-demand is in another example included with the library.  Go into the example code and look for the OnDemand entry. Open the only sketch in this entry, OnDemandConfigPortal.

The sketch is very similar to the first one, except for the fact that it runs in the Loop. We constantly check to see if the button has been pressed, and if it has, we run the WiFiManager as we did before.

If you use a different GPIO pin, just change the value of TRIGGER_PIN in the declarations section.

Load and run the sketch, with the serial monitor open. You should now be able to start the local access point, OnDemandAP, anytime by pressing the button.

Modifying Existing Sketches to use WiFiManager

We have now seen a couple of ways to run the WiFiManager utility. But how do we modify our own sketches to make use of it?

I’ll show you exactly that, using a popular example sketch for the ESP32-CAM. In my case, I’ll be using the ESP EYE, another ESP32 camera-equipped board. You can use the same principles to modify any ESP32 sketch.

Modifying the Camera Web Server Sketch

The CameraWebServer sketch is buried within the examples for the ESP32, in the Camera menu item. We have used this sketch before when we worked with the ESP32-CAM board.  It’s a complete camera control center and would be perfect for a remote camera setup.

All it needs is WiFiManager to make it complete!

Modifying the sketch is very easy:

1 – Include the WiFiManager library in the sketch.

2 – Replace the WiFi connection code as follows:



That’s all you need to do! Your sketch will now work with WiFiManager, eliminating the need to hard-code the SSID and password.

Adding Custom Parameters

WiFiManager works great for obtaining your SSID and password information, but it can also be used to collect other configuration data as well.

This is perfect if you need to capture additional information, such as API keys, for your device to function.

Modifying the WiFiManager screen with additional text boxes is a 2-step process:

1 – You use the WiFiManagerParameter function to define your new text box.

2 – You add the parameter you’ve defined using the addParameter function.

The following code illustrates how this is accomplished:

The line in which you add your parameter is this one:

This breaks down as follows:

  • Parameter namecustom_text_box
  • HTML element namemy_text
  • Label for text box Enter your string here
  • Default textdefault string

We then add the parameter using this line:

This sketch also illustrates how you can suppress debug information, using the following line:

So you won’t see as much information as you did in the previous tests.

Load the sketch onto an ESP32 and use your WiFi-enabled device to join the network and open WiFiManager. You should see the extra text field. Make sure that you also have your serial monitor open as well.

Replace the text with your own text string and add your network information. Save it, and observe the serial monitor.

You’ll see your new IP address, plus the text that you entered into the new custom text box.

Saving WiFiManager Data

Adding a text box to capture information is only one of the steps required to add extra configuration information. You’ll also want to save that information on the ESP32 so that you don’t need to enter it every time you power up or reset the device.

The ESP32 has some non-volatile flash memory that is ideal for saving configuration information. In order to use it, you will need to format it and store it using a file system.

Let’s see how to do both of those things.


We will arrange our data in JSON format.

JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data-interchange format that is used in a multitude of applications.  It is easily readable by both machines and humans and is used to interchange data between otherwise incompatible systems.

The format of a JSON document is illustrated here:

Now that we have our data arranged, we will need to have a method of storing it in the flash memory. This is where SPIFFS comes in.

SPIFFS is an abbreviation for SPI Flash File System. It is a file system used with NOR-gate embedded flash memory, which is the type of memory included on the ESP32.

SPIFFS allows you to treat the memory almost as you would treat SD or MicroSD card memory. I said “almost”, as there are a few differences. One difference is that SPIFFS does not support directories, although you can mimic them to some degree.

Flash memory has a limited number of write operations, so SPIFFS employs a number of techniques to maximize the lifespan of the memory. When the memory is formatted or erased, all the bits are set to one. When data is written to memory, only the bits that need to be pulled to zero are affected. SPIFFS also uses “wear leveling” to spread the data equally across the memory.

By using JSON and SPIFFS we can store a good amount of configuration information in our ESP32, most ESP32 devices allocate about 1.5Mb for SPIFFS.

Saving Parameter Data

Let’s take a look at a sketch that we can use to store our WiFiManager data into the ESP32’s flash memory using JSON and SPIFFS:

The functions used in the sketch are not mine, they were adapted from some of the excellent work done by Brian Lough on GitHub. You should visit his GitHub page for many more examples, including ones that use checkboxes and drop-down menus.

You’ll need to install the Arduino JSON library, you can get this using the Arduino IDE Library Manager. Search for “Arduino JSON” and install the library from Benoit Blanchon.

The SPIFFS and FS (File System) libraries will already have been installed when you added the ESP32 boards manager to your Arduino IDE.

We will be setting up two custom text boxes, one that accepts text and one that only accepts numbers. Note that the data is stored as a character variable array, so you need to convert the numbers to characters 9and convert them back) to use them.

When you run the sketch, be sure to have your serial monitor open. Observe the monitor after saving the data, you’ll see it in its JSON format.

Now power off the ESP32 and then power it back up. Go back into the WiFiManager and look at the custom text boxes. They should still show the data you previously entered.

Using this technique, you can capture and store custom parameters, as well as WiFi information, for your ESP32.

And no hard-coding!


WiFiManager is like the “missing link” for the ESP32. By using it, we can create professional-level personal projects or even commercial devices.

This would be perfect for IoT projects, or for anything that needs to be able to connect to any WiFi network.

Give it a try. Once you do, I’m sure your days of hard-coding WiFi credentials will have come to an end!


Parts List

Here are some components that you might need to complete the experiments in this article. Please note that some of these links may be affiliate links, and the DroneBot Workshop may receive a commission on your purchases. This does not increase the cost to you and is a method of supporting this ad-free website.




Code for this article – The sketches from this article, in an easy-to-use ZIP file.

WiFiManager – WiFiManager library on GitHub



ESP32 WiFiManager – Easy WiFi Provisioning
ESP32 WiFiManager - Easy WiFi Provisioning
Article Name
ESP32 WiFiManager - Easy WiFi Provisioning
Stop hard-coding wifi credentials in your ESP32 and ESP8266 code - use WiFiManager instead. WiFiManager lets you easily provision WiFi information without hard-coding.
Publisher Name
DroneBot Workshop
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2 years ago

I have been trying to get my head around how to store and use the custom text box values.
very timely and precise,Thanks Bill

Last edited 2 years ago by Dave
2 years ago

…I do like your stuff…you make it so simple for someone to understand…thank you.

2 years ago

Wonderful, easy to follow tutorial. Thank you.

2 years ago

Where/how does WiFiManager save credentials (encrypted?

1 year ago
Reply to  ShakyKnees

Credentials are in the ESP8266 design, written to the ESP8266 core firmware, not in the WiFiManager script, if that makes sense.

2 years ago

Thank you for your clear and well-organized explanation, I enjoy reading and using it.

Joseph Wilton
1 year ago

How do you perform an On-Demand Config when you don’t have easy physical access to your ESP8266? In other words, how can I reconfigure for a different network/password without the need for a physical button? Can the config access point remain running after connecting to the desired network? I have written my own code to provide this functionality…but it would be nice to be able to use a published library instead.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph Wilton

look at the examples. AutoConnectNonBlocking has a timer in that can be changed to however long you want the access point open. Do a power cycle whenever you want to reconfigure.

Last edited 1 year ago by David
1 year ago


Very clear and precise tutorial on WiFI manager. Is there a way of using wifi provisioning with deep sleep for esp32 so that every time it wakes up, we don’t need to set the wifi details. Should we store the last SSID, pwd in RTC_DATA_ATTR?

OLd Geezer
1 year ago

Count me as a fan too! Thanks for keeping this information available I’m about to do a second round and needed a refresher.

1 year ago

Compilation error, on nodemcu with esp8266 -E12

1 year ago

Great tutorial, and I have also watched your video. But one thing I am trying to do and did not see it explained on a tutorial. How to reconnect automatically if the connection is lost? I have been trying to do it, but been unsuccessful till now. Thank you. Would it be possible to post some example somewhere? thank you.

Carlos Soto
1 year ago

Hola a todos , aver si alguien me puede ayudar , implemente wifimanger en una radioweb la cual funciona pero si descómete wm.resetSettings(); cada vez que reinicio me vuelve a mandar al AP , y si lo comento me guárdala credenciales lo que me parece bien. Pero yo necesito que al presionar un boton me vuelva a mandar al Ap , onDemand lo hace pero cada vez que reinicio tengo que presionar el botón y me manda al AP , yo necesito que al reiniciar recuerde las credenciales ingresadas anteriormente y que solo al presionar el botón me mande al… Read more »

1 year ago

This was the article that made WiFiManager make sense for me. Thank you

One issue though,

Autoconnect.(SP Name, Password) example should be
Autoconnect.(“Name”, “Password”)

Last edited 1 year ago by David
1 year ago

I’m trying to use wifimanager to set my api key and bucket name for influxdb. I was able to add the example code for saving these parameters successfully but I’m unable to have those parameters entered into influxdb’s client. usually I would hard code this information outside the setup function but I’m having trouble pointing the wifimanager parameters to the preconfigured client. any help would be appreciated.

1 year ago

This is powerful stuff. It worked instantly in the Arduino Web Editor. Thanks for putting this tutorial together.

Jay Ham
1 year ago

Fantastic Tutorial !

I am using the Saving Parameter Data Sketch as the basis for my own code.
Sometimes, the two custom text boxes duplicate in WiFiManager – I get four blank input boxes instead of two –

“Enter your string here”
“Enter your number here”
“Enter your string here”
“Enter your number here”

This occurs after a failed WiFi connection attempt (e.g., enter the wrong password ) and then I re-execute the subroutine again.

Any Suggestions !

Jay Ham
11 months ago
Reply to  Jay Ham

I’m having the exact same issue! Anyone have a solution ?

1 year ago

How could I request an API key in the setup function WiFiManagerParameter and then pass it to use it in the loop function to build URL for calls, without writing the API key to SPIFFS?
I’m open to better methods if there are any

Graham Payne
1 year ago

I continuously get a “std::round” error, all libraries & boards are up to date.
error is in the Arduino.h file.
What’s the remedy?

Joe Sfeir
1 year ago

Hi Bill,
Thanks for this very useful video!
I am developing an application where I use WifiManager. It works great, until the Wifi connection drops momentarily. It doesn’t automatically reconnect.
Would you have any tips on how to automatically reconnect?

1 year ago

I still don’t even understand how to physically install wifi manager on my smart phone. I have ZERO idea what link to click on that github page.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jay

Go in to your app store from your phone.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jay

You don’t need to install it on your smart phone. It’s a library that creates a webpage that you visit in the browser on your smart phone (or computer) after you connect to the access point it creates. That will then allow you to set the credentials for the ESP32 to connect itself to your wifi router, at which point it won’t create the access point anymore (unless you specifically set that up yourself).

1 year ago

Great tutorial!
Thank you Bill!!!!

1 year ago

Your website has a wealth of information, I enjoy reading your articles.

clinton kariuki
1 year ago

hello please i am working on a project to make a cctv camera which will send photos to me on telegram and i dont want to hand code the telegram id and authentication token. i want when i press a button it will creat an A.P where i will store these 2 parameters please help i beg

Jon Hurd
11 months ago

This is a great tutorial! I used ChatGPT to find the following solution as well. #include <WiFi.h> #include <WiFiManager.h> const int BUTTON_PIN = 4; // GPIO4 void setup() {  Serial.begin(9600);  // Configure button pin as input with pullup resistor  pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Enable persistent storage of WiFi credentials  WiFi.persistent(true);  // Automatically connect to last used network  WiFi.setAutoConnect(true);  // Connect to WiFi  if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {   Serial.println(“Failed to connect to WiFi using saved credentials”);   // Launch WiFi Manager portal to allow the user to enter new credentials   WiFiManager wifiManager;   wifiManager.autoConnect(“MyESP32”);   // Save the new WiFi credentials entered by the user… Read more »

6 months ago

Is there any way to make this with the use of Micropython?

3 months ago

On my mac, I get “SPIFFS.h: No such file or directory” with arduino ide version 1.8.13. I tried to install several libraries but couldn’t get a direct library for SPIFFS.h.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mayank
1 month ago

Hi Bill, Your tutorials are always great as usual. You don’t like the SmartConfig option?
It seems to be the easiest option especially if you don’t have to do any coding for it

Anthony Roberts
3 days ago

I have been struggling with this for weeks. Thank you so so much for solving my problem with your example!