Don’t get Zapped by Static Electricity!

Static Electricity

It’s hard to say anything nice about static electricity. It causes things to stick to your socks, makes it difficult to comb your hair and can give you a nasty zap when you touch a doorknob after walking across a carpet!

Even worse, static electricity is a deadly enemy for electronic components. A static shock can completely destroy or severely degrade fragile semiconductor devices. In this article we’ll examine what you can do to prevent that from happening to your precious components and circuit boards.

Tools for Your Electronics Workbench

Tools for your Workbench

Electronics can be a fun and rewarding hobby especially when you have the right tools and test equipment. A lot of people think that some of the specialized equipment for working with electronics is beyond their reach but this isn’t true at all. You’ll be amazed how much you can get within the constraints of a small budget.

In this detailed article I’ll discuss the tools that you need for working with electronics and how to select them. So read on and learn how to pick the right tools to do the job!